Did someone say “FREE MONEY”?
I’ve been working in and around nonprofits for decades and if there is one thing I know to be universally true is that grant funding is the bees knees. In fact, the only thing that could trump a grant is an unrestricted major gift! Let’s all take a moment and reflect on that last sentence: (ahhh…unrestricted major gifts….) As a consultant, my experience keeps me on the look out for ways to steer my clients into effective and efficient marketing options. So, my friends, what’s more efficient than the worlds largest search engine?
The second universal truth: Nonprofits don’t have time
If the first universal nonprofit truth is that we need funding to stay afloat, then the second is that we are all strapped for time. If you are the CEO you are also probably the events manager, major gifts officer and janitor. When do you have time to do your marketing and advertising? You know advertising is very important. You may have heard about SEO. You might know that your website depends on something magical behind the scenes to actually show up in a Google search, but that might be the limit of your expertise here. That is totally okay. You are; however, amazing at explaining the need for your organization’s services and creating programs for your group to serve others. Google AdWords advertising can allow you to tell more people in the world about your good works and NonProfitCMS can help you apply for the grant funds and use them to make the most impact.
When will we get our check?
Google Grants are not new, they have been around for five years available to 501c3 organizations interested in advertising for free on Google’s AdWords platform. A monthly grant of $10,000 in AdWords credits is awarded to groups that meet qualifications of the grant. This seems like an awful lot of advertising funds and if you tell your Board of Directors they may fall out of their chairs in pure excitement, but hold on one moment. You have to take in to account the limitations of the “free money” from Google. This is not a check you receive in the mail and it doesn’t come delivered by drone from the sky (see photo above). Google instead gives you free AdWords credit and these credits do have several restrictions:
- The maximum bid per word is $2
- Only run keyword-targeted campaigns
- Only appear on Google search result pages
- Only run text ads
- and more….
How can NonProfitCMS help my organization apply for and maintain a Google Grant?
Our company can help your nonprofit by:
- Helping you identify priorities for your nonprofit for the year
- Using the AdWords funding to appropriately set up campaigns to further those goals
- Measure progress on these campaigns
- Tweak and optimize the campaigns to ensure optimal outcomes
- Advise you on other related SEO/SEM methods to help increase your website traffic and conversions
- Offer assistance on other digital advertising options such as paid Facebook and Twitter campaigns
- And much, much, much more….
Our experts have decades of experience in nonprofits, digital advertising, website design and are super friendly. We understand the unique situations of nonprofits and would very much like to work with you to create a plan big or small that will help you further your organization’s. Contact us for more information. We would love to help you make the world a better place!