NonProfit CMS joins Gray Digital Group

Gray Digital Group is a full service digital marketing agency in San Antonio, TX.

Gray Digital Group works with clients all over the country. Our client base is comprised of large national health systems, small to medium-sized businesses, law firms and non-profits.

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Part of Gray Digital Group


Strategy & Approach is a great organization that connects individuals and organizations who have a connection to historical naval ships. Many of their members are fleets and museums. Their old website has been around since 1999 and has become a major source for valuable information to people who want to learn more about naval ships and their history. With a massive amount of content on their website, they wanted it to be easier to organize, add members only sections, and be able to update the website themselves without the help from a developer.


HNSA needed a clean design that reflects naval history. Additionally, they wanted the design to be kid’s friendly and include more elements of social media. Fleet members are quite important to HNSA and organization wants the design to promote ship members and make it easy to find museums in the area.

Development is built on WordPress and uses NonprofitCMS’s membership software to keep track of their members and member dues. Members can login to with their MemberCms credentials to access members only areas.