If you would like to make a particular post private so that only you or a bunch of people you choose can see it, all you need to do is go to the post editor and click edit next to visibility in the publish panel. You can choose to make the post either password protected in this case you only need to supply a password or private which means that only you or other log in contributors to the blog will be able to see it, click okay and it will be effective immediately. So whether you want to add just one or two post as private it is already in your control.
NonProfit CMS joins Gray Digital Group
Gray Digital Group is a full service digital marketing agency in San Antonio, TX.
Gray Digital Group works with clients all over the country. Our client base is comprised of large national health systems, small to medium-sized businesses, law firms and non-profits.
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117 W Mistletoe Ave, San Antonio TX 78212
Office: (210) 820-0566
Fax: (210) 829-8361